
3. March
Vasúti árufuvarozási gazdaságossági és teljesítménynövelő akciótervet adott át a HUNGRAIL az Építési és Közlekedési Minisztérium részére

Nyolc fő témában, több mint 40 beavatkozási területet tartalmaz a HUNGRAIL Magyar Vasúti Egyesület által készített VÁGTA program – Vasúti Árufuvarozási Gazdaságossági és Teljesítménynövelő Akcióterv –, amely első sorban azt célozza, hogy megállítsa a vasúti árufuvarozási ágazat volumencsökkenését, a magas költségeket visszaszorítsa és hogy a szolgáltatást mielőbb kiszámíthatóbbá, megbízhatóvá, ezáltal versenyképessé tegye. A szektor célja […]

31. January

On 31 January 2025, CER Hungary Zrt. took delivery of a Transmontana locomotive at a ceremony. This event not only marks the commissioning of the newest member of our fleet, but also an important milestone, as it is exactly ten years since our company received its first Transmontana locomotive. Speeches were delivered by László Horváth, […]

21. November

It is with deep sorrow that we announce that Attila Havasi passed away on November 17, 2024, at the age of 47, after a long illness. Attila worked as a car inspector at CER Hungary Zrt. since 2019. He always performed his work with great skill and dedication, and was respected and loved by his […]

29. October
Fruitful cooperation with Softronic Srl. based in Romania

CER Hungary Zrt. has been working closely with the locomotive manufacturer Softronic Srl., based in Craiova, Romania, for over a decade. In recent years, the partnership has proved fruitful, as CER Hungary Zrt. currently operates a fleet of four Transmontana 6000 kW electric locomotives, which are the result of Softronic’s expertise and innovation. In order […]

14. October
CER Hungary Zrt. – a Gold Sponsor of the Hungarian Railways 2024 Conference

On 3 October 2024, the Hungarian Railways 2024 Conference was held for the 16th time, organised by Hungrail. It is the largest conference in the railway sector, bringing together companies, managers and decision makers related to railways and rail freight. As a Gold Level sponsor, Dr. László Guba, CEO of CER Hungary Zrt. gave a […]

4. October
Renewal of the mobile inspection service’s fleet

CER Hungary Zrt.’s mobile vehicle inspection team now provides its essential services in five regional areas (Budapest, Miskolc, Kelebia, Hegyeshalom, Dunaföldvár and their surroundings). Thanks to their mobility, they are able to carry out car inspection tasks anywhere in the country.  The service vehicles they use are subject to heavy use due to their high […]

30. September
Expansion of the CER group of companies in Europe

CER Austria Cargo GmbH was successfully incorporated in the Austrian Corporate Registry on August 30th, 2024 as a 100% subsidiary of CER Cargo Holding SE. As a next step the application for achieving the Austrian railway license will be filed with the Austrian Ministry of Climate Protection. We expect the positive decision after doing all […]

25. September
New Commercial Director at CER Hungary Zrt.

László Janó, who joined CER Hungary Zrt. in August 2024, is the new Commercial Director of the company. After graduating from a vocational school for railway traffic, he started his career in the railway industry as a ticket inspector for MÁV. He has also held positions as a station and line reserve officer and as […]

23. September
CER Hungary Zrt. headquarters renovated

The renovation works of the headquarters of LAC Holding Zrt. have been completed for March 2024. Modernisation and increased energy efficiency were the key elements in the refurbishment of CER Hungary Zrt. offices. By replacing carpeting, fresh painting, rearranging old furniture and installing new ones, a comfortable, modern and clean workplace was created for colleagues […]

7. June
CEO of CER Cargo at the I Rail Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition

Ottó Horváth, CEO of CER Cargo Holding, participated in the 1st Rail Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition organised by Hungrail. The organisers invited the CEO to participate in the round table discussion of the 2nd SECTION on “Rail Vehicle Financing in the Central and Eastern European Region – Finding Resources”. The rising number of passengers as […]

22. March
Chairman of the CER Cargo Board at the Hungarian Railways Meetup

László Horváth, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CER Cargo Holding, participated in the Hungarian Rail Meetup organised by Hungrail Hungarian Railway Association, which was professionally supported by CER Hungary Zrt. The theme of the event was “Rail freight priorities: what the sector expects in 2024”. The Chairman of the Board of Directors also […]

8. February
Board decisions

The European Company CER Cargo Holding SE, at its Board of Directors’ meeting held on 24 January 2024, adopted the 2024 business plan for its subsidiaries, i.e. for all member companies of the CER Group. The profit expectation has increased significantly compared to the previous year, as the expansion of the operating area to Poland […]